While running errands, I also got a chance to catch up with Jennifer and Rebecca. So with all the running around, it was nice to catch a few moments with friends.
Madisen and Morgan made beautiful cards for Stevie and Hannah and gave them going away presents. It was so sweet of them to do that.
We have decided to change plans yet again. We are going to stay a couple more days. We will use Friday and Saturday to finish packing. We will spend our last night at Krista's and head out on Sunday morning.
Krista and Justin offered help on Friday and we are very grateful. Stevie and Hannah went over to their house and played with the girls while Krista watched them. Justin came over and helped Steve take (yet another) load to the thrift store. Then they loaded all the heavy boxes and buckets that we were taking to Granny's house and David's barn.
Most of the boxes contained canning jars and lids (my treasure!) but I will really not need my canning supplies until next summer. I am taking the pressure canner though. I am optimistic and hope to be canning some deer meat this winter.
After Steve and Justin finished loading the truck, we went to pick up Stevie and Hannah and went over to Granny's. She needed a new stove for one of her rentals. We met the guy who was selling it in Mascotte and he followed us. He was really nice, took the old stove out and even fixed an electric wire.
Once the stove was in place, we went over to David's house and unloaded the boxes in his barn. After that we had a nice dinner in Webster.
It was nice to get to see Granny one more time before we leave.
When we got home, we got back to packing. I am feeling a little overwhelmed with the kitchen. I prepared a "kitchen ready box" with basic utensils to get us through the first week at the extended stay hotel. Everything else is getting packed up.
Tonight is the last night we are sleeping in this house. It really got to me when I was saying prayers with the kids. This is the only home they have ever had. They seem to be handling all the changes pretty well. Although this morning Hannah was crying that she wanted her couches back. I am sure that once we get to the first hotel, they will be perfectly happy. For some reason both kids LOVE hotels.
It has been a long day and again we are going to bed very tired. But we are blessed with good friends who have made it a lot easier on us today.