This post is for Saturday October 5th and Sunday October 6th 2013. On Saturday we slept in, unpacked a few things and then drove back over to the Value Place hotel to check out. Once there we packed up the rest of our stuff and then headed over to the storage facility on Gray Station Road. At the storage place we picked up our bicycles and some more boxes of items for the kitchen and bathroom. We also put a tarp over the skylight on the top of the trailer because it had leaked a little earlier in the month. Then a quick stop at Walmart and Ingels to get groceries and other supplies. We made our way back to the new apartment, unpacked some more and hung out. Kat and I stayed up to about 1a.m. looking at properties on the internet and updating this blog and another one that Kat maintains in Czech. I am amazed at how Kat is able to maintain two identical blogs, one in English and one in Czech for our overseas family. I really like the idea of the blogs, especially for the kids. They will be able to look back one day and not only see our lives in photos, but will also be able to read about their lives and ours and perhaps relive some happy memories. If you are reading this now Stevie and Hannah, we love you and we always will. We hope that you visit here often, see the foundation of your lives and never forget where you came from. Love, Mom and Dad.

Mom and Kids hanging out on back porch.
The Kids are proud of how grassy their feet got running through the wet grass.
Nature girl returning a leaf to it's family.
Stevie taking his "push bike" for a ride down a hill.
Kids learning to bike.
Stevie is almost ready for the pedals to go back on. He is balancing really good downhill.
Sunday: slept in, wrestled kids in bed while Kat made breakfast. We had no real plan for the day so Kat began setting up the kitchen. We unpacked the boxes and straightened things up a bit. It is beginning to feel more like a home. Hannah is starting to accept this place better, she still misses our old house and her little friends. Stevie seems to be taking it all in stride. Today he rode his push bike in the parking lot and down a long (500 ft) grassy hill behind the complex. He took one bad spill on the bike coming down the grassy hill and cried for a little bit. He was fine. I think he hurt his feelings more than anything else. Last night, I was teaching Stevie a little about measuring using a ruler and told him that 1 foot equaled 12 inches. He already knew this so I asked him how many inches there was in 3 feet and he replied "36, you silly daddy". I continued asking him how many inches there were in every increment up to 12 feet and he was able to answer each one correctly. He is absolutely amazing for a 5 year old.

Stevie loves running barefoot through the grass here in Tennessee.
Hannah missed her Uncle David and took him for a walk in the meadow.
Uncle David called earlier in the day and said that he was on the way over to visit from his friend Joan's house over in Lenoir North Carolina. He showed up just in time for supper at about 5:30 p.m. The kids were happy to see him. We chatted with mom and Sharon on the phone for a while and then chilled out for the rest of the evening. We got a few things ready for the morning. We are starting very early and the plan is to see some properties over in the Rogersville and Bulls Gap area. Still praying for guidance in making the right choice for our future. More to come.....
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