Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas Tree

   On Friday, December 13, we went to get our Christmas tree. We wanted a fresh cut one and it is so nice that there are so many Christmas tree farms around here. We decided to go to the one by the Ole' Barn restaurant. By the time we got there, Hannah fell asleep and Stevie did not care much about cutting a tree. Steve went by himself while I stayed with the kids in the truck. We planned to get about a 5 foot tree. Steve came back with a huge 7 ft tree. He said it was the most beautiful tree on the farm and he was right. We also ate supper at Ole' Barn since we were already there.
   We did not get to tree decorating until Sunday. We really did not have enough lights or ornaments for a tree this size but it turned out beautiful anyway.

   The weekend we decorated our Christmas tree, David arrived for a visit. It was nice to see him. He had a rough trip because of heavy rain but arrived safely.

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