Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tomato gravy and rice forever

    I couldn't sleep past 5:00 a.m. this morning so I got up and began thinking about how we can make a living in the real estate business up here in Tennessee.  I went downstairs to the kitchen and turned the light on so I wouldn't wake Kat and the kids.  When the lights came on, it looked like we had robbed a tomato farm.  Kat had take all 50 pounds of the ripe tomatoes out of their boxes and spread them out over the kitchen so they wouldn't squish each other in the box.  I have to admit,  it was very difficult to work on the internet with all of those tomatoes staring at me. 
    About 2 hours later Stevie woke up, came downstairs and hung out with me for a while.  Kat followed about 30 minutes later and began making "tomato gravy and rice" for breakfast.  It is a southern dish that my mother taught her how to make.  Kat puts her own spin on it and makes it "gluten free" which is healthier in the long run.  It tastes just the same and me and Stevie love those days when she makes it for the family.  At any rate, per my calculations, we will be eating tomato gravy and rice forever based on the amount of tomatoes waiting to be processed and canned. 
    After breakfast we ran errands as usual, got a $1,000.00 cashier check for a deposit on the Estep Hollow Road property and then off to our future home.  We met with the owners who were eating lunch, got the keys to the upper house and went up to inspect it more closely.  We noticed a few things that we hadn't seen before.  The home had a few small holes in the vinyl siding from rocks being thrown against it by the mower,  the water pressure was not quite up to par, we found two areas in the carpet where a small dog had torn holes in the nice carpet, some missing molding and a couple of other minor issues.  All in all, I think that we can get it rentable very easily in about a week or two depending upon our schedule. 
    We met back with the owners, chatted for a while and gave them the deposit.  Now we will just wait for their attorney to draw up a contract and get the ball rolling.  They were getting ready for a garage sale and gave Kat 2 boxes of mason jars.  Kat and Linda exchanged information about the house and garden, me, Bob and his neighbor told old wars stories and spoke candidly about the damage that our once great country was sustaining because of the idiot taking up space in the White House.  I was impressed as to how well informed Linda and Bob were with current events happening now in our nation.  So much of the liberal media spends all of it's time and  efforts to hide all of Obamas screw ups, I was amazed that they were able to see through all the hype and recognize what a shallow and evil person Barrack Obama is.  I see that a bunch of his supporters used their faulty EBT cards to totally rip off and almost destroy a Wal-Mart store yesterday.  Just another reminder that Kat and I are doing our kids a great service in moving them away from the corruptness that abounds in our nation and especially in our government. 
    We took a lot of photos, ate lots of apples from our future apple tree and then ran a couple of more errands before supper at a Chinese buffet.  Back to the apartment and Kat put the kids to sleep while I wrote tonight's blog.  It is almost 9:30 p.m. and she is not back downstairs yet.  I think she fell asleep with the kids again.  I will attempt the write the Czech blog for her but I can not make any guarantees.   Wait, I think I hear her coming down the stairs.  There were too many photos of the houses and property to put them all on here so I have added just a few. 

Hannah and Stevie going to the apple tree

Yard going uphill towards second house (rental unit)

Front of our house

Kitchen in the rental house

Living room,  these people were very meticulous

 Fireplace in both homes (this is the living room in the rental house)

The apple tree 50 pounds lighter after Stevie and Hannah snacking

More of the yard behind the bottom house

Front of our future home

Hannah loves baby owl

Kat's (future) kitchen

Living room 

Neighbors to the south

View from the porch to the west

Yard behind our house

Yard to the side of the house
The rental home is behind the big trees on the hill

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